If your child will not be attending CARES on a scheduled day, please notify your child’s teacher. If a note is not sent regarding the change in schedule, your child will be required to attend CARES to avoid confusion and to guarantee their safety.
If your child is involved in an extracurricular activity (i.e. Girl Scouts, clubs, sports), please inform the program in writing all dates and the time your child will return. An adult from the activity must be able to escort your child to CARES.
Students may not be dismissed by car line or bus line and return to school for CARES.
Billing is based on attendance. When picking your child up at the end of each day, the CARES staff member will document the exact time your child leaves CARES. It is in the best interest of you and your child that the exact time is written in the event of an accident or emergency.
A Bi-Weekly billing cycle will be used. Bills will be sent home with the oldest child in the family every other Monday. ALL CARES PAYMENTS WILL BE BILLED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH FACTS.
The fees for this school year are as follows: $7.00 per half hour/$14 per hour for one child, $11.00 per half hour/$22.00 per hour for two or more children
Early Childhood Center (PreK) students are charged an additional $7/one child or $11/2 children for the 30 minute difference of their dismissal time and when the school dismisses ( 2:30 - 3:00)
Any family with a child still remaining at CARES after 6 p.m. will be charged $1 a minute past 6:00p.m.
Early Childhood Center students will remain in an Early Childhood Center Classroom for CARES. Attendance will be taken by the CARES Director.
Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade will walk to the MECI room (1st floor) and meet the director there for attendance.
CARES will begin on the Tuesday after Labor Day.
The CARES program will not be available for half-days or conference days. For the 2024-2025 school year, that will include:
October 24th- Parent/Teacher Conferences
December 6th- Noon Dismissals
Nov. 6th - Noon Dismissal
May 23rd- Field Day
The last day of CARES for this school year will be May 30th.
If school closes for any reason, CARES is closed. If there is an early dismissal due to weather, CARES will be closed. If inclement weather is forecasted after school hours, you will be notified of CARES closing through a FACTS message and an email from the director.
Time is set aside for homework. (3:15 - 4:00)
Children will complete their written homework after they have their snack.
It is the responsibility of the student to have their assignments, books, and supplies with them when they come to CARES.
Parents are ultimately responsible for the supervision of all homework assignments.
Snack time is from 3:00 - 3:15. Parents are responsible for supplying the snacks for their child(ren) and snacks must be NUT FREE.
C.A.R.E.S snack needs to be separate from your child's lunch or morning snack.
ECCC will have outdoor play after snack on the Early Childhood Care Center playground.
Kindergarten through 5th grade will use the playground in the back field and the small field around the playground. Exercise equipment area is OFF LIMITS for all age groups.
Many games and other equipment (such as balls and jump ropes) will be provided for outdoor play. On rainy days, children play in the gym or cafeteria.
For the month of September, anyone picking up your child from CARES will need to present a Driver’s License.
If you have someone that is on the Authorized Pick-up form picking up your child, please send a note or email to your child’s teacher and the CARES Director with the name of the person picking up your child. This person will also need to bring a Driver’s License Photo ID at time of pick up.
We will not release a child to someone that is not on the Authorized Pick-up form without prior parent consent and written permission.
When picking up from CARES, please park in the front of the building and use the main entrance. The other doors to the building are locked for your child’s safety. On MONDAY AND TUESDAY please park your car and walk over. PREP will be dropping their children off between 4:15 - 4:45
When you arrive at the school, please call the CARES cell phone and we will walk the students up to the doors at the main entrance of the school. 484-999-4321
4th and 5th grade students may walk up without an adult with parent permission. Please check the line on the registration form for your child to walk up on their own. All other students will be walked to the front doors by a staff member.
C.A.R.E.S. (Extended Day Program)
Anna Kates, Director of C.A.R.E.S.Saints Peter and Paul School provides an extended-day after-school program known as C.A.R.E.S (Children Are Receiving Extended Services). This program provides professional care and supervision through a variety of academic and recreational activities. Every member of the CARES Staff is a Saints Peter and Paul School faculty or staff member.
The program provides opportunities for play and exercise. Many games and other equipment (such as balls and jump ropes) are provided for both indoor and outdoor play. Children do their homework and have time for a snack and drink brought from home. Forms are available at Saints Peter and Paul School or can be downloaded by clicking the link below. A $50 per-family registration fee will be applied to your child’s first bill in the new school year.
Registration Procedure
Reregistration for students currently enrolled in the C.A.R.E.S. program are accepted the 1st of week of May. After all registrations are accounted for it will be opened to new families in grades K though 6th.
EIN: 23-7367951
CARES phone:484-999-4321. When picking up your child from C.A.R.E.S., please dial this number and a staff member will walk your child to the front doors.
We greatly appreciate your interest in the SSPP C.A.R.E.S. Program. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns regarding the program, please contact Ms. Anna Kates at akates@sspeterandpaulrc.org or 484-999-4321. You may also call the school during school hours if you need to contact me. Our staff looks forward to another successful year!
Ms. Anna Kates