The local school district provides nurses according to the state mandate. The parish provides a nurse for any days not covered by the school district, giving the school full nursing coverage.
The nurses are available to help you with any questions or concerns you have about your child’s health at school. A nurse is always available during school hours, 8 am -3 pm, and can be reached directly by calling 484-473-8308.
Dental Form
Physical Exam
The nurse is responsible for state mandated screenings: height, weight, BMI, and vision on a yearly basis; hearing in grades K-3, and 7; and scoliosis in grades 6 and 7. Screening results and referrals for further evaluation are sent home to parents/guardians.
All children entering grades K and 6 must have a recent physical on file. Children in grades K, 3, and 7 must have a recent dental exam on file. These forms are to be dated within twelve months before entrance into the specified grade levels. All forms are due to the Nurses Office on/before the first day of the school year.
*All new students at Saints Peter and Paul School, PreK3 through Grade 8, are required to have a physical exam and dental exam on file.
A peanut-free table is available for students with food allergies.
Parents will be notified by the teacher if there are any allergies in their child’s classroom so items containing any allergic ingredients can be avoided for class celebrations.
The school is a latex-free zone. No latex balloons or other products are permitted in the building.
All students are required to have completed age-appropriate immunizations on/before the first day of school.
DTap/Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis): Four doses – one dose on or after the fourth birthday
IPV (Polio): Four doses – one dose on or after the fourth birthday
Hepatitis B: Three doses
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella): Two doses
Varicella (chicken pox) : Two doses
MCV (Meningitis): Prior to entrance into seventh grade
Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis): Prior to entrance into seventh grade
** Any student without documented complete immunizations will be excluded from school after 5 days.
The nurse is available for students who become injured or ill at school. Parents or designated emergency contacts will be called on an as-needed basis. The main office will be notified of any illness or injury that requires a child to be sent home from school.
Medications will be given at school in the Nurse’s Office on an as-needed basis. Prescription and nonprescription (over the counter) medications require a signed note from the physician and parent with the child’s name, medication, dose, route, and time specified. All medication must be brought to school in their original container. Medication forms are available in the Nurses Office for your physician to complete.
Emergency cards are kept on file in the Nurse’s Office. The signed form allows the nurse to give Tylenol, Benadryl (for allergic reaction only), or an antacid (Tums) as requested by parent. The emergency card is used for easy access to phone numbers in the event a child needs to be sent from school for illness or injury. Please update the Nurse’s Office with changes in phone numbers during the school year.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea must be resolved for 24 hours prior to return to school.
Communicable disease: If condition requires medication, your child may not return to school until treatment has been in effect for 24 hours, or longer, depending on the condition.
When a students has an injury that requires activity restrictions, a copy of a doctor’s note must be sent to the School Nurse on the 1st day that your child returns to school. This includes any student with a supportive device like a splint, cast or crutches. Usually these student have restrictions such as no gym or recess for a period of time. Until specific doctor’s instructions are received, any student with a supportive device will not be permitted to participate in gym or recess. When a student’s restrictions are lifted by the physician, a medical clearance note from the physician must be given to the School Nurse.
If as student requires a non-medical exclusion from participation in gym class, a parent note is required. Any gym exclusion for more than 1 day requires a doctor’s note.